Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tackling Nature

Collaboration is more then the sum of its parts.

Sinatra Murphy’s work clearly illustrates this. Their unique ability to produce work through collaboration, results in projects that meets the needs of communities and not individuals.

An architectural studio that follows this same successful approach is Rural Studio. Importantly this process acknowledges the significance of design not designers.

Worryingly neither considers the world beyond the needs of people. We're running out of land and the first to suffer from this shortage are flora and fauna. The rates of extinction and landscape architectures’ inability to make a real difference in protecting natural diversity are of the deepest concern.

Seemingly the reason for this inability to act is an issue of morals and ethics. The baggage of ‘nature’ destroys any attempts at designing for the natural.

Referring back to Rural Studio, Samuel Mockbee points out the need to take architecture out of the elitist and bring it to the marginalized. Such an intention carried with it emotional baggage and moral dilemma’s similar to that of dealing with nature. By tackling these problems through a collaborative process Mockbee (just like Sinatra Murphy), succeed in overcoming these issues of morals and ethics.

So if collaboration, communication and consultation are the basis for overcoming moral dilemmas. Then how do you understand nature?

The Wasseratlas produced for the Hamburg IBA, may provide an answer.

Detailed analysis and research of natural systems at a large scale, allowed for an understanding of the changing dynamics of the landscape. As a result of this design recommendations where made that facilitated these changes, with out drastically altering the landscape. By avoiding these drastic alterations nature could continue to cohabit the niches it occupies with in these landscapes at present.

Whether we want to cohabit with nature remains to be seen though.

Collaboration producing more then the sum of its parts: Triforce Advance (Nior, Ghostpatrol & Acorn)

Sinatra Murphy Workshop

Over coming Moral dilemma's and ethics through collaboration: Rural Studio

Analysis of Nature: Water Dynamics Mapping from Wasseratlas


Andrea Dean Oppenheimer Et Al, Rural Studio, Samuel Mockbee and an Architecture of Decency, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2002

Antje Stokma Et Al, Wasseratlas, Jovis Verlag & IBA Hamburg, Berlin, 2008

Hille Von Seggern, Julia Werner & Lucia Grosse-Bachle, Creating Knowledge, Jovis Verlag, 2008

Gilles Clement & Philippe Rahm, Environ(ne)ment, Approaches for Tomorrow, Skira Editore, Milan 2006

Simon Smithson, “The Triforce Advance”, Wooden Toy Quarterly, The Handmade Edition, Wooden Toy Publishing Co. Melbourne, 2009


Adrian Keene

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