Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time and space

When designing space we are undoubtedly designing the ideals, culture and narrative of our time we exist into our designs’. The ticking of time what defines our cities more then anything else. A space designed in different time periods creates a living breathing patchwork of contrasting stories of contrasting cultures. But is this the most intelligent way of designing? To design our space blinkered in the present moment? This could also be seen as expressing a certain time in the patchwork of place, however the Catalonian architectural firm EMBT asks the question: Can we design place capturing multiple periods of time?

EMBT is known for it’s “unique” and “individual style” which is what brought the practice to international attention. (,2010). However EMBT’s style is dominated by a yearn to understand time in relation to space. This can be seen by EMBT’s principal Enric Miralles (1955-2000) diverse influences, Much of which derive from veroious movements in time. From the farther of modernist Le Corbusier to art nouveau Catalonian architect Joseph Maria Gilbert. Such a diverse palette of influences has meant that Mirallas was a leader in mix-matching styles form polar moments throughout time together. This is best displayed in the design of the Scottish parliament. The facard of windows wrapping the parliament exterior is cearlfuly positioned with asymmetrical geometry of modernism. The windows them selves are of irregular form speaking from a postmodernist perspective. However the filigree overlaying the windows are wooden spear like objects derived from dark age Scotland. EMBT’s ability to seep so far though the linage of a space’s history is what makes EMBT outstanding in capturing time. Perhaps the best work of EMBT’s in relation to space and time is the Santa Caterina market. A prime example of history exposed by design. Here with the use of materials and pattern EMBT make a slow transition between different architectural styles from various points in time. Creating a flowing narrative telling the history of the space “The architects’ design demonstrates a respect for earlier events as if each season had left a fine patina behind it, year after year, so that in the end the place could not be understood with out them”-Poligrafa, 2005, Bacralonia

EMBT has shown that it can encompass many seasons of time into the design of space. However one must pose the question: is it naive to think one can encompass the entirety of time though design? Although the works of EMBT are able to grasp an understanding of time through space, The stories in which EMBT tell may not be anything but a mere recognition of the past. Is it ignorant to think that time could be captured with out having lived with in the time being expressed? Can a historical time truly be told from the perspective of an external moment? can a modernist design be designed in a post modernist era? can art nouveau? can classical? possibly not, However EMBT’s attempt to mix and match times have meant that the spaces in which they design have a lot longer time span then the date of construction to the date of demolition. The space is an evolutionary product shaped by time.


1.Ediciones Poligrafa, In detail Barcelona Contemporary Architecture, 2005,p90

2., page:Enric Miralles, 2010

3., page bibliography, 2010

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