The purpose of this paper is to discuss the key cultural and social aspects that determine a design and question how form and function overlap as a paradigm to one another. Cultural influences on architecture are derived through this idea of community, lifestyle and social structure. They are significant not only on a local but an international scale, derived to taylor people and their movements.
BiG strikes a parallel with this idea, exacerbating the cultural boundaries that develop and generate a design, and intern effect communities and regions at whole. These ideas are generated through careful analysis of how contemporary life constantly evolves and changes, with this idea of striking a balance of programmatic mixtures. So does this mean cultural differences have triggered a disparity of contemporary architecture? By looking at the Astana National Library, one of BiG’s most significant cultural projects, we can start to understand how it integrates 4 organizational strategies into one new national institution which intern creates a symbol for the nation. In this instance the function of this building is depicted through its form. But is it? Does the form actually dictate its function? It is all well and good having a building that looks visually pleasing but importantly does the function correspond to what it was set out to achieve? Without this cultural influence would it be designed that way, or would it look like another geometrical building?
Our approach to design has evolved and shifted meanings as we explore and develop different realms. Whether looking at new or old forms, the genius loci manifests an integral presence and sense of freedom within. Yet our understanding of an utopian perspective forms an imbalance between what we designed in the past and what we are designing for the future. As Darwin so aptly demonstrated that creation is a process of excess which poses to let forces on society determines which of our ideas can live, and which must die. The remaining ideas will evolve into an entirely new species of architecture. What we design for years to come will always draw inspiration on our past and forever leave a lasting image on place, community and society wherever we are.
Keywords: Culture, Contemporary, Function, Form
Key References:
“The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered”,” published Lippincott’s Magazine (March 1896).
“The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered”,” published Lippincott’s Magazine (March 1896).
“Immaterial Architecture”, Johnathan Hill, 2006
Image References:
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